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Guide to Setting Up Google Analytics to Track WordPress Sales

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Are you looking to gain more insight into how your WordPress website is performing? Are you interested in tracking the sales and conversions generated through your WordPress store? If so, this guide is for you! In this guide, we'll show you step-by-step how to set up Google Analytics to track your WordPress sales. We'll cover setting up goals and tracking eCommerce data, as well as other tips to help you get the most out of your WordPress store. So let's get started and learn how to track your WordPress sales on Google Analytics.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool provided by Google that allows you to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior. With Google Analytics, you can monitor how users interact with your website, which pages are popular, and which pages are causing users to leave.

Additionally, Google Analytics provides detailed data on your website’s performance, such as pageviews, bounce rates, and session durations. You can also gain insights into your audience, including demographics, interests, and devices used to access your site.

Google Analytics provides a wealth of data and insights, which can help you improve your website’s performance, increase user engagement, and ultimately, drive more sales. By tracking your WordPress sales with Google Analytics, you can gain a better understanding of your customers’ purchasing behavior, identify which products are performing best, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your online store.

Why Use Google Analytics?

Running an online store can be a complex business with so many factors to consider in ensuring profitability and success. In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, tracking sales performance and customer behavior are critical aspects that should not be overlooked. This is where Google Analytics comes into the picture.

Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, conversions, and other metrics that are critical to the success of your online business. With its robust features and capabilities, it is a valuable tool for online store owners who want to optimize their website performance and drive more sales.

Through Google Analytics, you can gain insights into how your visitors behave on your website, where they come from, what pages they visit, and more. This information can be used to make data-driven decisions that will help improve your site’s performance and profitability.

Google Analytics also offers various reporting and visualization options, which can be used to create customized reports and dashboards that display the metrics that matter most to your business. These reports can provide you with a clearer picture of your website performance, helping you identify areas that require improvement and opportunities for growth.

In summary, using Google Analytics is a no-brainer for online store owners. It provides valuable insights into customer behavior and website performance, enabling you to optimize your website, increase sales, and boost your bottom line. By tracking your Wordpress sales on Google Analytics, you can be sure that you’re on the right path towards a profitable e-commerce business.

How to Set Up Google Analytics for Wordpress Sales

Setting up Google Analytics for tracking your Wordpress sales may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually quite easy if you follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Create a Google Analytics account
If you don’t have a Google Analytics account already, you’ll need to create one. Simply go to Google Analytics’ website and follow the prompts to create an account.

Step 2: Install Google Analytics on your Wordpress site
To install Google Analytics on your Wordpress site, you’ll need to add the tracking code to your website. You can do this manually or by using a plugin. The most popular plugin for this is MonsterInsights, which will allow you to add the tracking code to your website with just a few clicks.

Step 3: Set up Events
To track your sales on Google Analytics, you’ll need to set up events. Events are actions that users take on your website, such as clicking on a button or making a purchase. You can set up events by using a plugin like MonsterInsights, which will allow you to track all the events on your website automatically.

Step 4: Ecommerce Tracking
To track your sales on Google Analytics, you’ll need to set up ecommerce tracking. This will allow you to track all the transactions that happen on your website. You can do this by enabling ecommerce tracking in your Google Analytics account. You’ll also need to set up your ecommerce tracking code in your Wordpress site.

Step 5: Check Your Results
Once you’ve set up Google Analytics for tracking your Wordpress sales, you can start checking your results. You can see how many sales you’ve made, what products are selling the most, and where your traffic is coming from. You can also use this information to optimize your website and improve your sales.

Tracking Code

One of the essential components of tracking your Wordpress sales on Google Analytics is implementing the tracking code. This code allows Google Analytics to collect data about your website's visitors, including their behavior and interactions with your site.

To set up the tracking code, first, you need to create a Google Analytics account and obtain the unique tracking code provided by Google. After that, install a Google Analytics plugin on your Wordpress website and enter the tracking code in the plugin's settings. Alternatively, you can manually add the tracking code to your website's header or footer section by editing your site's theme files.

Once you've successfully implemented the tracking code, it will start recording data about your website visitors, such as their geographic location, devices, browsers, and more. You can use this information to gain insights into your website's performance and user behavior.

Additionally, tracking code is necessary for implementing other tracking features such as events and ecommerce tracking, which we'll cover in the next sections. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that the tracking code is correctly implemented on your website before proceeding with any other tracking methods.


Events are user interactions that are tracked on your website. These can be button clicks, video plays, and form submissions, among others. Setting up event tracking on your Wordpress website is important if you want to understand user behavior beyond just pageviews.

To set up event tracking, you will need to add a bit of code to your website. You can either do this manually or use a plugin like MonsterInsights. Once the code is added, you can start setting up events to track.

For example, if you have a button that users can click to add a product to their cart, you can set up an event to track this action. This will give you insight into how many people are adding products to their cart and how often they are doing it.

To create an event in Google Analytics, you will need to define the category, action, label, and value (if applicable) for the event. Once this is done, you can start seeing event data in your Google Analytics dashboard.

Events are a valuable tool for ecommerce tracking because they allow you to understand how users are interacting with your website beyond just making purchases. Use event tracking to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions that can increase your sales.

Ecommerce Tracking

Once you have set up the tracking code and events, it's time to set up ecommerce tracking. This will allow you to track sales data, such as revenue and product performance.

To set up ecommerce tracking, go to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the "Admin" tab. From there, select the "Ecommerce Settings" option under the "View" column.

Next, turn on the "Enable Ecommerce" toggle switch and set the "Ecommerce Settings" to match your website's currency and tax settings. You can also choose to track enhanced ecommerce, which provides more detailed sales data.

Once ecommerce tracking is enabled, you can start tracking your sales data. This includes metrics such as revenue, average order value, and conversion rate.

In addition, you can view product performance data such as which products are the most popular and which ones generate the most revenue. This information can be used to optimize your website's product offerings and pricing strategy.

Overall, ecommerce tracking is a crucial component of tracking your WordPress sales on Google Analytics. It provides valuable insights into your sales data and can help you make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Check Your Results

Once you've set up Google Analytics to track your Wordpress sales, it's time to check your results. You can see how your website is performing by logging into your Google Analytics account and selecting the "Ecommerce" tab. This will show you all the important metrics you need to track your Wordpress sales, such as total revenue, conversion rate, and average order value.

You can also drill down into your data to see which pages are driving the most sales, which traffic sources are bringing in the most revenue, and which products are most popular with your customers. This information can help you make better decisions about your marketing and product development efforts, as well as identify any areas where you may need to make improvements.

To get the most out of your Google Analytics data, be sure to set up regular reports and alerts. This will help you stay on top of any changes in your website performance and make informed decisions about your business. Remember, the key to success is not just tracking your results, but using that information to drive your strategy and improve your website's performance over time.

Having Trouble Setting it up?

Let one of our experts configure this for you! If you're still having trouble setting up Google Analytics to track your Wordpress sales, don't worry! It can be a bit confusing for those who are new to the process. But we have experts on our team who can help you out.

We offer a service to configure your Google Analytics account and ensure that it's tracking your sales correctly. With our help, you can have peace of mind knowing that your sales are being tracked accurately, giving you valuable insights to improve your website's performance.